I can't believe that it was March when I made my last post. I'm sure some of you have given up on me. Life has just gotten in the way for me. I'm sure that is a common problem in today's society. We all get caught up in life and it's ups and downs.
The biggest thing that my family and I have been dealing with is my father's health. January 6th he went in for surgery to repair what we thought was a ruptured diverticuli that abscessed. After nine hours of surgery, he came out of it with no colon and an ileostomy, an incision that went from sternum to pubic bone and two ureters that were nicked during surgery.
Dad spent most of January at Cleveland Clinic before he was transferred to a Long Term Acute Care Facility (LTAC). He was there for almost another two months. Then, after the LTAC, he was sent to a nursing home for a few weeks. There, he became very dehydrated and had a drastic change in mental status resulting in an emergency trip back to Cleveland in renal failure. So, another stay at Cleveland before going to another LTAC. He was at that LTAC for around a month before finally returning home in May.
Of course, the transition to home has not been an easy one. It has been so hard for my mom to take care of him now that his diet is so hard to get right having the ileostomy. Too much or too little sugar and salt affect it. No more water. So much pasta or starch...It has been a giant learning curve for all of us, especially mom. Don't even get us started on the supplies to use for the ileostomy and fistulas...
Poor Dad. He's been run through the ringer!!! He's missed birthdays, anniversaries, holidays--so much life--being away those months. The whole ordeal has aged us all, especially Mom and Dad.
It makes you really appreciate your health, your family and your faith--not necessarily in that order, but I hope you know what I mean.
During that whole time, I don't know how I kept it up. I can remember being so tired, yet having to keep plugging away. I don't know how many miles I put on my car driving to Cleveland, Akron, Millersburg and Mansfield. One thing is certain, I'm not a big ninny when it comes to driving on the freeway now. Bills didn't get paid, meals didn't get eaten. All the work I did in February went down the tubes because you eat what you can find that is open at 1 am. Fights started easily and I cried easily too. Sleep and rest were just words in the dictionary.
As my mom, brother and I sat one evening with dad at home sharing the ups and downs of our end of the past few months, I summed it up for dad this way,"As hard and trying as it all was, we'd do it all again for you."
Friday, July 8, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Final Results
My friend has been after me to catch up my posts to see how I did on my points. I have to say I did pretty good, 192 points. Fair, by my point standards. I admit it wasn't easy. Well, at first it was, but then it got harder towards the end when I really wanted a big fat juicy Wendy's cheeseburger! The days I did break down and get fast food, I at least tried to get something healthier like fish or chicken, instead of beef. My weight didn't fluctuate too much. But, this challenge wasn't necessarily about losing weight, but doing things that all of us should do to maintain a healthier lifestyle.
This challenge makes me think that I should probably do this every month. It kept me honest, which was the goal. I admit, once March 1st hit, it was like I didn't have to try anymore and that little impish voice said, "Go ahead...you're short on time... hit the fast food...no one will know now..." Ugh! Sometimes I wish I lived in the boonies and civilization was 30 minutes away and all those conveniences were far away too and those neon beacons weren't so close beckoning from the shopping plaza. But, at least I know I can and do have it in me to persevere.
Now that the weather might be turning to a true Spring (I hope I hope...) I'll be able to walk more and AJ will probably enjoy it too. I even bought a pair of Sketcher Shape-Ups--yes they really do work.
Thanks to those of you who added comments. As promised, I will give out a $25.00 gift card. I've decided to make the gift card to Amazon. I will have Matt draw the name and will announce the winner next week. Again, thanks!
This challenge makes me think that I should probably do this every month. It kept me honest, which was the goal. I admit, once March 1st hit, it was like I didn't have to try anymore and that little impish voice said, "Go ahead...you're short on time... hit the fast food...no one will know now..." Ugh! Sometimes I wish I lived in the boonies and civilization was 30 minutes away and all those conveniences were far away too and those neon beacons weren't so close beckoning from the shopping plaza. But, at least I know I can and do have it in me to persevere.
Now that the weather might be turning to a true Spring (I hope I hope...) I'll be able to walk more and AJ will probably enjoy it too. I even bought a pair of Sketcher Shape-Ups--yes they really do work.
Thanks to those of you who added comments. As promised, I will give out a $25.00 gift card. I've decided to make the gift card to Amazon. I will have Matt draw the name and will announce the winner next week. Again, thanks!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Spring Is Coming, I Can Feel It!
I can say we've had a mixed bag of weather within the last week. Last Thursday and Friday we had temps in the single digits and wind chills below zero. Today its a balmy 35 degrees. The ice from a previous ice storm is quickly disintegrating leaving little patches of grass peeking through.
Yesterday, as I was heading to town, I was driving down my road through this flock of birds. It took me a minute to realize it, but they were Robins! The first sign of Spring. I called my mom and told her. I never heard if the groundhog saw his shadow or not, but she said that he didn't--so Spring is around the corner if you follow that lore.
Ahh, Spring! Like I said before, I like each season as it comes. But, Spring seems to be the most spectacular of all. It amazes me how so many things lay dormant all Winter and somehow God designed them to know when to wake up. It just amazes me. Daffodils, Crocuses and Snowdrops will start to sprout. Then the grass will start to green-up. The Red-Winged Blackbirds will return and the Turkey Buzzards too. Temperatures will slowly climb. The days will get longer. Then there will be all the new babies! Baby birds, baby rabbits, baby groundhogs, calves, foals, chicks--oh so exciting!
Yesterday, as I was heading to town, I was driving down my road through this flock of birds. It took me a minute to realize it, but they were Robins! The first sign of Spring. I called my mom and told her. I never heard if the groundhog saw his shadow or not, but she said that he didn't--so Spring is around the corner if you follow that lore.
Ahh, Spring! Like I said before, I like each season as it comes. But, Spring seems to be the most spectacular of all. It amazes me how so many things lay dormant all Winter and somehow God designed them to know when to wake up. It just amazes me. Daffodils, Crocuses and Snowdrops will start to sprout. Then the grass will start to green-up. The Red-Winged Blackbirds will return and the Turkey Buzzards too. Temperatures will slowly climb. The days will get longer. Then there will be all the new babies! Baby birds, baby rabbits, baby groundhogs, calves, foals, chicks--oh so exciting!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Trying to Keep Myself Honest
Okay, I made a commitment and already, I've fallen off the wagon. I have no willpower. I ate fast food Saturday for lunch and pizza for supper and fast food Sunday. I have to do better. I have to have to have to! I have until August to get my act together. That is when I have to get my cholesterol rechecked. So far I'm not off to a good start.
My new plan...Not only do I need to be accountable to myself, but if I make my plan public, I feel like I'll have to be accountable to my readers as well. So, I'm adding a point log to my blog to keep track of things I need to be doing. I really struggle with being consistent now that I'm a mom. AJ is first priority and I let my needs go on the back burner alot. So, my goal is to keep track daily of the things I should be doing and at the end of the month, I will reward myself and a lucky reader. All you need to do is post comments of encouragement and at the end of the month, I will have my hubby randomly pick one lucky reader's comment from all comments posted. You will receive a gift card. To where, I haven't decided nor for how much. (Probably $25.00) More on that later. Just be sure I have a way to contact you.
The way the point log will work is that I have 22 days left in the month, counting today. For things that I need to do everyday, once a day, I have 22 points possible. For the things that I do weekly (like yoga), I have 3 more weeks, hence 3 points possible. A perfect score is 201 points. If I do yoga more often, I could gain more points. But, I'll shoot for 201. I also included ways to earn Bonus Points by doing extra healthful things like walking, chiropractic and getting a massage.
Excellent: 201+ points
Good: 195-200
Fair: 190-194
Poor: 185-189 FAIL!!!
Good luck to me and good luck to you!!!
My new plan...Not only do I need to be accountable to myself, but if I make my plan public, I feel like I'll have to be accountable to my readers as well. So, I'm adding a point log to my blog to keep track of things I need to be doing. I really struggle with being consistent now that I'm a mom. AJ is first priority and I let my needs go on the back burner alot. So, my goal is to keep track daily of the things I should be doing and at the end of the month, I will reward myself and a lucky reader. All you need to do is post comments of encouragement and at the end of the month, I will have my hubby randomly pick one lucky reader's comment from all comments posted. You will receive a gift card. To where, I haven't decided nor for how much. (Probably $25.00) More on that later. Just be sure I have a way to contact you.
The way the point log will work is that I have 22 days left in the month, counting today. For things that I need to do everyday, once a day, I have 22 points possible. For the things that I do weekly (like yoga), I have 3 more weeks, hence 3 points possible. A perfect score is 201 points. If I do yoga more often, I could gain more points. But, I'll shoot for 201. I also included ways to earn Bonus Points by doing extra healthful things like walking, chiropractic and getting a massage.
Excellent: 201+ points
Good: 195-200
Fair: 190-194
Poor: 185-189 FAIL!!!
I won't cheat, I'm too honest. Plus, my hubby is totally on board with this and will watch me like a hawk!!!
I have included in the sidebar a list of my current stats as a benchmark. I have no weight goal. But, as I watch portion sizes and and stay away from fast food, my hope is that I will lose some weight as well as a pant size or two.Good luck to me and good luck to you!!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Beat Up By Chickens and Dogs, Sort Of...
No one would probably believe me if I told them that chickens and dogs kicked my butt yesterday. Lets face it, you just read this and thought, "Huh, yeah right..."
No, really they did--well maybe I'm exaggerating a little...How about this...Because of the chickens and dogs, the snow and ice kicked by butt...That's probably more accurate. None-the-less, if I wouldn't have had to let the dogs out and go feed and water the chickens, I wouldn't have gotten hurt.
Old Man Winter blessed us with snow and freezing rain Monday and Tuesday. It is lovely to look at from inside where it's nice and cozy and warm. But, when you have to venture out in it, that's another story.
Yesterday, I stalled as long as I possibly could to go out and do chores. Earlier, from my patio window, I watched three of our dogs slip and slide all over the yard. Not only was the terrain a hindrance, but the wind was blowing something fierce adding another degree of difficulty to the situation. The dogs, however, have built in cleats--something I didn't have.
Reluctantly, I put on my big coat, gloves, hat and scarf. I let out Toby and Roscoe to "romp" as best they could. They are accustomed to going out to their fenced area in nice weather and continue the habit even in the cold--just not to stay all day. I gingerly walked out to the pen. I was standing there, back to the wind and slightly turned to watch the dogs. It was like a scene out of a movie or something. I barely moved, but enough I lost footing and away I went--flat on my back. Leave it to me to fall down by just standing there. Somehow I managed not to whack my head on the ice. I laid there a minute groaning. My well-padded right hip broke most of my fall. There I laid spread-eagle on the ground. Of course, Toby and Roscoe took full advantage of me being down and began mauling me in that loving, yet rough big-dog way. I got to my feet and slowly managed to get back to the house.
I managed to get the dogs back in and I grabbed my water jug to carry out to the coop to water the chickens. This time I had a strategy... There was a little bit of snow that was blowing about and had managed to drift across the frozen tundra of my backyard. If I walked in the snow drifts, I had traction. However, you were prone to breaking through the frozen crust, once again jeopardizing balance as one foot got swallowed and the other slipped on frozen snow--which was precisely what happened next. Almost home-free to the coop, I fell through the crust with one foot and lost my balance. This time instead of going backward, I fell forward and landed straight on my knees. Ouch! That hurt worse than backwards...Probably because my well-padded bum broke the first fall and my bony knees broke this one. Groaning, I made it the last few steps to the coop door and proceeded to feed and water my birds. Head and neck hurting, knees throbbing--I felt like I'd been in a fight. To add insult to injury, not even one egg to collect (slackers).
I made my way back to the house and creaked and groaned my way to the basement to take off my winter attire, then creaked and moaned my way back upstairs. I looked in on AJ in his Pack-n-Play. He was sound asleep, oblivious to the perils Mom was facing a few moments ago. I made my way to my recliner and plopped down to enjoy a much-deserved rest after my butt-kicking.
No, really they did--well maybe I'm exaggerating a little...How about this...Because of the chickens and dogs, the snow and ice kicked by butt...That's probably more accurate. None-the-less, if I wouldn't have had to let the dogs out and go feed and water the chickens, I wouldn't have gotten hurt.
Old Man Winter blessed us with snow and freezing rain Monday and Tuesday. It is lovely to look at from inside where it's nice and cozy and warm. But, when you have to venture out in it, that's another story.
Yesterday, I stalled as long as I possibly could to go out and do chores. Earlier, from my patio window, I watched three of our dogs slip and slide all over the yard. Not only was the terrain a hindrance, but the wind was blowing something fierce adding another degree of difficulty to the situation. The dogs, however, have built in cleats--something I didn't have.
Reluctantly, I put on my big coat, gloves, hat and scarf. I let out Toby and Roscoe to "romp" as best they could. They are accustomed to going out to their fenced area in nice weather and continue the habit even in the cold--just not to stay all day. I gingerly walked out to the pen. I was standing there, back to the wind and slightly turned to watch the dogs. It was like a scene out of a movie or something. I barely moved, but enough I lost footing and away I went--flat on my back. Leave it to me to fall down by just standing there. Somehow I managed not to whack my head on the ice. I laid there a minute groaning. My well-padded right hip broke most of my fall. There I laid spread-eagle on the ground. Of course, Toby and Roscoe took full advantage of me being down and began mauling me in that loving, yet rough big-dog way. I got to my feet and slowly managed to get back to the house.
I managed to get the dogs back in and I grabbed my water jug to carry out to the coop to water the chickens. This time I had a strategy... There was a little bit of snow that was blowing about and had managed to drift across the frozen tundra of my backyard. If I walked in the snow drifts, I had traction. However, you were prone to breaking through the frozen crust, once again jeopardizing balance as one foot got swallowed and the other slipped on frozen snow--which was precisely what happened next. Almost home-free to the coop, I fell through the crust with one foot and lost my balance. This time instead of going backward, I fell forward and landed straight on my knees. Ouch! That hurt worse than backwards...Probably because my well-padded bum broke the first fall and my bony knees broke this one. Groaning, I made it the last few steps to the coop door and proceeded to feed and water my birds. Head and neck hurting, knees throbbing--I felt like I'd been in a fight. To add insult to injury, not even one egg to collect (slackers).
I made my way back to the house and creaked and groaned my way to the basement to take off my winter attire, then creaked and moaned my way back upstairs. I looked in on AJ in his Pack-n-Play. He was sound asleep, oblivious to the perils Mom was facing a few moments ago. I made my way to my recliner and plopped down to enjoy a much-deserved rest after my butt-kicking.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
New Year, New Month, New Committment!
A lot has happened in my life since my last post. I'm sure some of you thought I fell off the face of the earth or something. That wasn't the case, just very busy being a new mom..."What?" you say...Yes, a new mom.
It's been a year now since Matt and I became licensed foster parents and on October 29, 2010 we got a call for placement of a 10-day-old baby boy. It was everything we were preparing for since my episode back in March.
Things are going well. We had a bout with colic for several weeks, but are over the worst. I would love to post pics of the little guy, but we aren't allowed to post photos of foster children on social networking sites, which I'm guessing would include this blog. We are so happy to have him in our lives and are enjoying the time he's with us.
Of course November and December were crazy with the holidays. Right now my dad is in the hospital recovering from an extensive stomach surgery. So, I'm helping my mom a lot these days.
Anyhoo, that's been my life in a nutshell. I miss posting terribly. Since motherhood has taken over, I miss the times of solitude that I had before and find myself craving it in hopes to keep sane some days. Maybe that's why I'm up now writing when I should be sleeping. But, I've come to the realization that I have to take time for me. Which leads me to the next topic...
With this new year upon us, I would like to set some goals for myself:
1) Do yoga at least once a week
2) Drink more water
3) Cut back on portion sizes when eating
4) Give myself 1 hour a day
5) Take vitamins and meds regularly
6) Eat something for breakfast
Some of these things will be really hard for me and I hope I can count on my readers for some encouragement. Most of these goals revolve around trying to lose weight and lower my cholesterol. My cholesterol was over 200 in December and I have 6 months to get it down!
Starting today, I pledge to do better for myself in hopes to be a happier healthier person!
It's been a year now since Matt and I became licensed foster parents and on October 29, 2010 we got a call for placement of a 10-day-old baby boy. It was everything we were preparing for since my episode back in March.
Things are going well. We had a bout with colic for several weeks, but are over the worst. I would love to post pics of the little guy, but we aren't allowed to post photos of foster children on social networking sites, which I'm guessing would include this blog. We are so happy to have him in our lives and are enjoying the time he's with us.
Of course November and December were crazy with the holidays. Right now my dad is in the hospital recovering from an extensive stomach surgery. So, I'm helping my mom a lot these days.
Anyhoo, that's been my life in a nutshell. I miss posting terribly. Since motherhood has taken over, I miss the times of solitude that I had before and find myself craving it in hopes to keep sane some days. Maybe that's why I'm up now writing when I should be sleeping. But, I've come to the realization that I have to take time for me. Which leads me to the next topic...
With this new year upon us, I would like to set some goals for myself:
1) Do yoga at least once a week
2) Drink more water
3) Cut back on portion sizes when eating
4) Give myself 1 hour a day
5) Take vitamins and meds regularly
6) Eat something for breakfast
Some of these things will be really hard for me and I hope I can count on my readers for some encouragement. Most of these goals revolve around trying to lose weight and lower my cholesterol. My cholesterol was over 200 in December and I have 6 months to get it down!
Starting today, I pledge to do better for myself in hopes to be a happier healthier person!
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Gone But Not Forgotten...
Even though you may be gone from this earth, you will always live on in our hearts!
A good walking buddy and awesome frisbee catcher! Life cut short by a brain tumor.
If ever there was a candidate for Dog Heaven, it would be Tuff. Tuff was put to rest December 7, 2012. At almost 14 years old, he threw the longevity curve for dogs of his breed-makeup and size. He battled 2 types of cancer and Cushing's Disease as well as arthritis. Faithful to the end and never grumpy, depite the constant care and nagging from me. Always the protector, gentleman and companion--you will be sorely missed by all who had the opportunity to know you.
Cranky Thomas

Ever wonder why it's called "Life On CT Farm"? The horse you see in the pictures is Cranky Thomas, a registered quarter horse gelding. He was born May 5, 1980 in Galion, Alabama and passed away August 3, 2004 on CT Farm--his farm. He originally belonged to my husband, but I adopted him and I think he adopted me. We competed together in contest classes at local horse shows. But, an old injury finally slowed him down and I retired him in 2000. He was a loving and patient being that I completely trusted and admired. There will never be another like him, never. He meant so much to me that I named our farm after him as well as my company, Cranky T. LLC. He's gone now, but is still with me and now you.