"Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime."--Martin Luther
I felt it fitting to resurrect my blog given today is also Easter, the day of resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Not that my blog is anything compared to Jesus rising from the dead after his crucifixion, but I felt it was time to begin again something that has too-long been shelved.
My last post was in May 2012...a lot of "life" has certainly happened on C.T. Farm since then. I won't bore you with the specifics, but will leave you with a generality: Trials and tribulations. Welcomes and goodbyes. Happiness and laughter. Success and failure. Health and sickness. In a word, "LIFE".
It is hard to ignore the breath of new and renewed life that is being felt on the spring winds. You can see the newness in the vibrant green of flowers reaching from their winter beds and hear it in the renewed song of birds long-silenced by winter's cold. It is nearly impossible to remain indoors when the mercury begins pushing 60 degrees; your body begging for the sun's warmth on its shoulders.
It is during this time of "resurrection" that I feel closest to God. I marvel every spring that the daffodils and snowdrops always know the right time to emerge. The buzzards and robins know when to come back and the groundhog knows when to leave its burrow. No one tells them--they just know. God made it that way.
I sat in church today on this Easter Sunday and listened to my 35th Easter message. It still, to this day, humbles me to know what Jesus did for all of us by dying on that cross on Golgotha Hill so many mornings ago. In death, he gave us life.
In a few months we will be planting in our gardens and fields. In a sermon, not too long a go, a minister said that the seed will have to die to give life...
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bring forth much fruit." John 12: 24 (KJV)
That is what Jesus did for us, he died to bring forth life--everlasting life, if we choose to follow him. That lesson is so meaningful for me, especially this time of year--a time of new life and resurrection.
Have a blessed Easter!